Management Functions


Management’s job in this factor is to make sure that all the work is being met in a timely and orderly fashion. As the work comes in, the manager must make sure that it is being delegated to technicians evenly and fairly in terms of complexity. Usually, the manager will use a round system consisting of an order in which tickets will be assigned going around and around to even them out. This helps to increase the efficiency of the workers and ensure that everyone is doing equal the work.

 It is also the job of management to provide the technicians with the proper tools to do the job. Technicians need hardware tools such as screwdrivers of various sizes, hardware cleaning materials and external media devices to house data.
  Atos will manage several servers to house:

  • user data
  • fixes
  • cleaners
  • software tools and drivers

All of this is made easily accessible to the technician to ensure quality service for the customer.

Management will gather reports to measure the firm’s success and the individual efforts of the technicians. Numbers are looked at on a monthly and quarterly basis to determine how many tickets are being worked on by which technicians, how many are closed per day, how many exist monthly per site, and how many transactions are being taken. This is how management can gauge where improvements need to be made. 

Sometimes if the ticket count is too low in one site, they may decide they don’t need as many technicians and vice versa; if the ticket count is very high in a particular site, they may decide to relocate a tech from another site to help even out the workload. When technicians are evaluated, they are evaluated on their ticket count, their transactions, and their positive feedback reports from customers. It is appreciated that a tech maintains a 95% satisfaction level among the surveys received. It is also expected, although, not written in stone, that an employee pull their weight in terms of their own salary. Meaning, that technician should at very least be making the company equal or more to what the company pays them per year.


Upper management has the larger task of making sure that the middle managers are on top of their game to make sure that the operations are running smoothly. This is highly important come contract renewal time. The main idea is to provide top level service to the client so that the satisfaction given to them will ensure the renewal of the contract. Once contract time is up, the higher managers of Atos will meet with the senior leadership of MetLife to discuss the future of the relationship. 

They will evaluate the processes, billing, and efficiency to be sure that it meets the expectations. If everything is in line, they will negotiate another contract extension to ensure the same service level agreement for the future. This is the main goal for Atos, to keep their clients happy and contracts renewed. They are constantly looking for new opportunities to expand their client base as well.

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