
Atos employees feel overwhelmed due to the job that needs to be done and they feel that the company needs to hire more individuals for the job. 

It is the manager's duty to look in the demand that MetLife brings upon them and the fact that it has overpass the capacity they have. Sometimes the job is very demanding and the customer (MetLife staff) come in large numbers demanding Atos personnel to move faster.

 Certainly hiring more people will be beneficial for them and for MetLife. If they want to keep this contract for a longer period of time with MetLife, they need to keep them happy with their services. At this precise moment, Atos hasnt renewed the contract with MetLife. New strategic actions are required.

 Atos IT specialists are usually contacted by MetLife personnel by phone, but if Atos takes time to answer them, they go straight to Atos office and demand quicker response. This results in creating great inconvenience for MetLife and Atos. Avoiding number of customers waiting in line should be a priority for Atos.

Atos has the priority rule of the waiting line structure in place, which means they give priority to higher level positions among MetLife staff. However, they should formulate a different form to handle this situation. In this case if any IT specialist is working with any other customer, he/she needs to leave everything behind and solve the VP computer problems first. Atos weak point as I said it before is the short number of employees that are on duty at a given time. They need to hire more people to make up for the priority rule that they implement for the higher positions staff at MetLife. Avoiding waiting line problems is an essential key for Atos future contract with MetLife.

Managers at Atos should reevaluate the levels of productivity that they have in place with the services that employees provide to MetLife, because this is an important key when it comes to the renewal of the contract. In addition, they are lacking training in order to solve this. Atos needs to spend more time in training and also adjust the cost that this can produce for them.

 If Atos does not give enough training for its employees it would mean that managers are lacking organizational structure. This could be solved by doing constant productivity improvement.  

For Atos, effective management is critical for the success of its business. Improvement in this area is highly recommended.

A new system for recording should be implemented in Atos. In fact, for employees to record every minute of their job is time consuming. Atos should consider process chart for recording how long it took for an IT specialist to provide the service to MetLife employees. Process chart is an organized way of documenting all the activities performed and its a less time consuming for the evaluation of performance that they are providing.

Since Atos is a provider of service to Metlife, they do not have the necessity to buy supplies but they do need to buy the tools they need in order to fix the computers. Atos should increase the budget for the special tools that employees are in need the most. They should obtain a vendor for their most frequently used supplies in order to pay bulk prices instead of store shelf prices.

Atos is not in charge of inventories because MetLife has a department that works directly with HP. Being the case Atos should concentrate all its efforts in provide the best quality of service to MetLife because this would bring the renovation of contract. If this problem managers should look for a better strategy to accomplish whatever is missing in their services.

                                                   As conclusion, Atos should improve:
  •  Capabilities
  •  Capacities
  •  Quality

These should take top priority because MetLife is a loyal customer who has been with Atos for more than 13 years. Recognition of Atos services from MetLife has been constantly for the past 13 years. If they do not want to lose MetLife mangers should take in consideration to hire more people to satisfy MetLife increased demand, moreover, take in consideration the implementations of process chart to spend less time in recording. Furthermore, Atos should avoid at any cost the volumes of waiting line which brings conflict between MetLife and Atos employees.

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